
Contract Essentials in 9 Tweets

In this post, Lubna Gem Arielle sets out key learnings from 6 Minute Bites’ masterclass: ‘Contracts Demystified: Written agreements as a tool for organisational success.’ I’d love to know your experiences – in the spirit of this post, please tweet me @LubnaGemArielle or leave a comment. For details of my masterclass, please contact me on or 07980 589 828. Until next… Read more →

Get it down in writing!

Lubna Gem Arielle discusses why trust is not enough and why you should always at least keep a clear written record of what was agreed. As a small business owner or entrepreneur, it can be tempting to enter into business arrangements informally, believing that we can rely on trust and being afraid that we will insult or alienate our clients… Read more →